Growth & Goal Counseling
Be motivated, feel inspired, and live an intentional life.
Transform your dreams into achievable steps.
You notice you’re spending too much time on your phone. Scrolling endlessly first thing in the morning that suddenly an hour has gone by and you haven’t even gotten out of bed. Now you’re late, stressed, and mad at yourself yet again. You’ve been trying to start that healthy habit for the 100th time and just can’t seem to make it stick. You have aspirations you’d like to accomplish but seem to not believe in your own ability to reach them.
When you look back at your life, you want to be able to say you lived it to the fullest and you were present even in the everyday moments. These are wellness areas I hold special interest in that many of us are struggling to achieve in our lives. And guess what? We then feel it. We feel unmotivated, we feel uninspired, and we live unintentional lives. Let’s change that.
Therapist for Personal Growth in Chicago, Milwaukee, Hinsdale, Whitefish Bay, and throughout Illinois & Wisconsin
How I can help you achieve your goals
If you think you’ve tried it all already, think again! I work with millennial and Gen Z women who are looking to live a life full of intention. It can be the smallest goal ever or the biggest dream you can think of.
First, we’ll spend some time identifying what exactly it is you want to change or work towards. We'll also spend time exploring your “why.” We want to know the “why” so we can honor that and build upon that motivation.
Then, I’ll work with you on concrete steps to take to begin making that change for the better. Our sessions not only help hold you accountable but also serve as a check-in point to figure out if something isn’t working. Instead of giving up on a goal you're truly after, we experiment further and find what works for you as an individual; not what works for everyone else.
Growth & Goal Counseling Topics
Examples of what we can work on together
Living within your values
The key to a meaningful life is living a life full of meaning. Only you know what that may be for yourself. My job is to help you identify your main values and implement specific action steps to begin living within your value system on a small scale (day to day) and large scale (making dreams a reality).
Form a healthy relationship with phone, internet, & social media
Seen one too many power washing videos on YouTube (I’ve been guilty) or find yourself stuck on an endless scrolling cycle? Develop a new relationship with technology that allows you to enjoy the benefits of our 21st century world while still engaging in a meaningful life.
Build meaningful habits
If you find yourself never starting the things you wanted to try, never implementing the healthy behaviors you’d like to have in your life, or no longer engaging in previous habits/hobbies you used to love, we can work to change that cycle.
Reduce negative self-talk
Ah, the true sucker of joy out of life: ourselves. How we talk to ourselves matters. Learning and practicing ways to change our self-talk can make all the difference.
Increase self-esteem
Self-esteem is closely related to our self-talk. Processing how you’ve developed your current self-esteem and working to effectively challenge this old way of viewing yourself (or assuming how others view you) can prevent you from holding yourself back in life.
Interpersonal communication skills
Let’s improve relationships with loved ones, friends, co-workers, etc. If you often hear “you’re not listening” or “you don’t understand” then this may be for you. We often are listening and we often are genuinely trying to understand. Let’s work on ways to effectively let the other person know that.